The KTA can be run as a Java applet or a full-fledged Java application. To run it as an application, you can simply run the following command:
java -jar jta.jar
This will pop up a Swing-based terminal window that can connect to a server using telnet. To specify further settings (e.g. using an SSH connections by default) a custom config file will be required (described below).
To run the program as an applet, the following code should be used in an HTML file:
<!--[if !IE]>-->
<object classid="java:de.mud.jta.Applet.class"
height="360" width="590" >
height="360" width="590" >
<param name="code" value="de.mud.jta.Applet" />
<param name="archive" value="jta.jar" />
<!--[if !IE]>-->
Config files
By default the KTA will use the default.conf located inside the jar file. This will connect using telnet to localhost or to the server on which the applet is running. To use SSH or point to a different server, or to alter other settings, a new config file must be specified:
java -jar jta.jar -config myconfig.cfg
Or in an applet, the following parameter should be added to both of the object elements:
<param name="config" value="myconfig.cfg" />
Further information regarding the config file can be found here.